Round-the-World Flights

Johanson Round-the-World Over-the-North Pole Flight (#3)

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Jon's Autograph RV-4 Stamp Plane Jon Johanson Aiming High
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	One of Jon Johanson's dreams was to fly to Oshkosh, WI to attend the EAA annual aviation meet.  But 
Jon was just a normal person who had to prove that an ordinary fellow is capable of doing extraordinary 
things.  He followed his dream of having his own plane by building his own craft, a "Van's Aircraft kit, 
model RV-4, registered VH-NOJ. Construction took 2½ years followed by testing the plane and testing himself 
for long distance flights.  When satisfied, he then flew east round-the-world 1n 1995.
	But a dream satisfied is only the path for the next dream.  This time Jon would fly west
round-the-world.  He would visit Oshkosh again and many of his friends along the way. He made his 2nd 
round-the-world flight in a total flying time of 260:17H, a total night flight of 38:39H and a total IFR 
time of 12:40H traveling a total distance of 38,258 miles. 
	First easterly RTW in 1995, second westerly RTW 1996, what's next? In 2000 Jon would again fly 
round-the-world but this time he would fly over the North Pole on his path round-the-world.  He would set 
four general aviation world records with this flight.  The only problem he experienced crossing the North 
Pole was a cracked windscreen from the intense cold. 
	Jon lamented on his return home, "Once again we have proven to the world that custom built aircraft are
real aircraft and a force to be reckoned with" and "If you believe in luck I have been extraordinarily 
lucky. If you believe in more than luck, I have been exceedingly well cared for.  Till next time, keep 
smiling and may you be as well cared for as I have been.  Jon's crusade to others was now clear, "Dare to
dream and never give up."
	He wrote a book, "Aiming High" describing his path to the skys. 


Departed Adelaide, Australia
	Lord Howe Island 
	Ardmore, New Zealand 
	Tonga Island 
	Christmas Island 
	Hilo, HI 
	Santa Barbara, CA
	Sunset Park, OR 
	Kamloops, Canada 
	Salmon Arm, Canada
	Yellow Knife, Canada
	Eureka Island
	North Pole                         07/06/2000
	Spitzbergen, Norway
	Longyear, Norway 
	Tromso,  Norway
	Strauning, Denmark 
	Wallmuhle, Germany 
	Bron, France 
	Biggin Hill, England 
	Cranfield, England
	Dublin, Ireland 
	Reykjavik, Iceland 
	Goosebay, Labrador 
	Ft. Collins, CO 
	Oshkosh, WI
	Sunset Park, OR (Van's fly-in) 
	Leadville, CO 
	Kirksville, MO 
	Bangor, ME
	Las Palmas, Canary Islands 
	Abidjan, Ivory Coast
	Walvis Bay, South West Africa
	Durban, South Africa
	Reunion Island 
	Rodrigues Island
	Cocos Island 
	Perth, Australia
Arrived Adelaide, Australia.
	Jon's first round-the-world flight adventure in 1995 and second in 1996.  

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