Round-the-World Flights

Pan Am adds Vienna, Austria et al to its RTW Flight Service

Page 4s (rev: 1000)

Vienna/Tokyo Pan Am 707 Vienna/NY Cancel Title #5
Pix #1 Pix #2 Pix #3 Pix #4 Pix #5

	On December 22, 1959 Pan American included the additional cities of Vienna Austria, Munich 
Germany, Ankara Turkey, Teheran Iran, New Delhi India and Rangoon Burma to its round-the-world jet 
service. Covers are only reported between New York and Vienna.
	Outline of added Cities to Jet Round-the-World Service:

              = =!= = = = = = = New York, NY= = = =J-398F = =!= =   
                 != = J-399 = = Vienna, Austria - - - - - - -!
                                Munich, Germany 
            	                Ankara, Turkey
                                Teheran, Iran 
                                New Delhi, India
                                Rangoon, Burma
                                Tokyo, Japan								

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