The US entered the WW-II European conflict in January 1942. Several months later,
the Douglas A-26 Invader, an attack aircraft made its first flight on July 10, 1942.
Production delivery began in August 1943 and on November 19, 1944 it went into combat
over Europe. The WW-II victory in Europe (VE Day) occurred on May 8, 1945.
After the war, Col Joseph R "Randy" Holzapple, Commander of the 319th Bombardment
Group wanted to mark his place in history before the dissolution of the wartime Army Air
Forces. He obtained Pentagon permission to demonstrate the capabilities of the Douglas
A-26 Invader on a flight round-the-world. He selected Lt Col Charles R Meyers as his
co-pilot and Lt Otto H Schumacher as navigator. Corporal Howard J Walden joined the crew
as radio operator. On November 25, 1945 they departed Savannah GA heading westward on
their flight round-the-world. Four days later they returned to Washington DC having
successfully circumnavigated the earth. They demonstrated to the world that US light
bombers could be dispatched to any point in the world on quick notice.
In 1948 the USAF eliminated the attack aircraft category and re-designated the A-26
Invader as the B-26 Marauder, a medium bomber.
Savannah GA 11/25/45
Sacramento CA
Honolulu HI
Johnston Island
Majuro Atoll
Eniwetok Atoll
Saipan Island
Manila Philippines
Calcutta India
Agra India
Karachi Pakistan
Abadan Iran
Baghdad Iraq
Cairo Egypt
Tunis Tunisia
Casablanca Morocco
Santa Maria Azores
Washington DC 11/29/45