Round-the-World Flights 1940 thru 1944 |
Revision: 02/01/2007
1940 ....."New Zealand to London & Round-the-World Flight Service" (TO #1344) |
From: 04/30/40 To: 07/06/40 (Auckland to Auckland, New Zealand)
Miles Flown: Flying Time: Plane Type: Short S-30 Flying Boat (Auckland/Sydney) Plane Name: Aotearoa Pilot Name: Captain J.W. Burgess Comments: Aviation is linking the world with another way to travel round-the-world by air. |
1940 ....."Wartime Round-the-World Flight Cover" |
From: 06/21/40 To: 08/26/40 (Juneau to Juneau AK)
Miles Flown: Flying Time: Plane Type: Sikorski S-42 et al Plane Name: Pilot Names: W.J. Jones et al Comments: Confused routing round-the-world due to deteriorating war situation. |
1941 ....."First Military Round-the-World Flight in a Land-Based Plane" |
From: 09/13/41 To: 10/30/41 (Washington DC to Washington DC)
Miles Flown: 27,238 miles Flying Time: 117H in 37D Plane Type: Consolidated B-24 Bomber Plane Name: xx Pilot Name: Major Alva L. Harvey Comments: First round-the-world flight by US military in a land-based plane. |
1941/42 ....."First Round-the-World Flight by a Commercial Plane" |
From: 12/01/41 To: 01/06/42 (San Francisco to New York)
Miles Flown: 31,500 miles Flying Time: 209H 30M Plane Type: Boeing 314A Flying Boat Plane Name: Clippers (NC-18606/18602) Pilot Name: Captain Robert Ford Comments: Route home cutoff by Japanese forcing RTW flight back to the US. |
1942 ....."Special Envoy, Willkie Round-the-World Goodwill Tour" |
From: 08/26/42 To: 10/14/42 (New York, NY to Minneapolis, MN)
Miles Flown: 31,000 miles Flying Time: 160H in 50D Plane Type: Consolidated C-87 CF Liberator Express Plane Name: Gulliver (111680) Pilot Names: Richard T. Kight & Alexis Klotz, co-pilot Comments: Wendell Lewis Willkie made this goodwill RTW tour crossing the equator twice. |