Amelia Earhart
"I've Just Had Fun"
Amelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24, 1897 in Atchison, Kansas.
Some notable accomplishments of Amelia:
1) First woman to fly across the Atlantic as a passenger June 21, 1928
2) First woman to fly solo across the Atlantic May 20-21, 1932
3) First person to fly solo non-stop from Hawaii to California January 11-12, 1935
4) First person to fly solo non-stop from Mexico City to NY May 8, 1935
On March 17, 1937 Amelia Earhart and her co-pilot/navigator, Frederick J. Noonan took off
from Oakland, CA flying west on their quest to fly round-the world following the equator. They
landed safely at Luke Field in Hawaii. On March 20th on take off, Earhart veered off the
runway while over-correcting for a crosswind. Both landing gears collapsed. Her
round-the-world flight attempt was canceled and her Electra was sent for repair.
On May 21, 1937 Amelia and Fred in the rebuilt Electra took off from Oakland, CA a second
time but this time heading east again on their quest to fly round-the-world following the
equator. They flew across the US for Miami, FL.
On June 1, 1937 Amelia and Fred were in the air leaving the continental US for Puerto Rico
and points east as the circumnavigated the earth. Their flight proceeded as planned. They
departed Lae, New Giunea on July 1, 1937 never to be found again. With 21 hours of fuel for
an 18 hour flight to Howland Island, they had run out of fuel before running out of ocean.
History's memory of Amelia and Fred may forever be distorted by endless speculation of their
Departed Oakland, CA 05/21/37
Burbank, CA
Tucson, AZ
New Orleans, LA
Miami, FL
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Cumana, Venezuela
Paramaribo, Surinam
Fontaleza, Brazil
Natal, Brazil (Atlantic crossing)
Saint Louis, Senegal
Dakar, Senegal
Gao, Mali
N'Djamena, Chad
El Frasher, Sudan
Massawa, Ethiopia
Assab, Ethiopia
Karachi, Pakistan
Calcutta, India 06/17/37
Akyab, Burma
Rangoon, Burma
Bangkok, Thailand
Bandung, Indonesia
Surabya, Indonesia
Kupang, Indonesia 07/27/37
Darwin, Australia
Lae, New Guinea
Howland Island (disappeared) 07/02/37