The Fourth "International Polar Year" (IPY)
[What happens at the Poles affects the whole Earth]
The fourth IPY (2007Ð2008) was sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) was the interdisciplinary body of ICSU with responsibility for coordinating all
IPY-related Antarctic research with the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), an ICSU affiliate body promoting, assisting the
planning Arctic/Antarctic research.
The fourth IPY comprised an intense, coordinated field campaign of observations, research, and analysis in a comprehensive campaign
to explore the Earth's polar regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. The IPY research encompassed (Polar atmosphere)(Arctic Ocean)
(Southern Ocean)(Greenland ice sheet)(Arctic glaciers)(Antarctic ice sheets)(Sub-glacial aquatic environments)(Permafrost)
(Earth structure and polar geo-dynamics)(Polar terrestrial ecology and biodiversity)(Polar societies and social processes)
(Human health)
Mail sent from Antarctica can be sent via the British post office. Groudier Island off the west side of Antarctica is a British
Antarctic Territory (BAT). The "Penguin Post Office" located at Port Lockroy is managed by the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust.
Only UK issued stamps, BAT stamps and Falkland Islands stamps can be used for souvenir mail sent to the rest of the world.
Mail sent from Antarctica can also be sent via the US post office. Ross Island off the southern side of Antarctica is the home of
McMurdo Station, the largest research station in Antarctica and is operated by the United States. The Army Post Office (APO 98598)
is located at McMurdo.