Round-the-World Flights

Pan Am adds Philadelphia and Boston to its RTW Flight Service

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	On October 29, 1956 the international FAM-18 (Foreign Air Mail) route added service from 
Philadelphia to Calcutta and from Boston to Ankara.  
	Coupled with existing FAM-14 routes, this allowed mail another route to travel completely 
round-the-world by regularly scheduled air mail service of the US Post Office. 

	Outline of existing FAM-14 air routes with the new FAM-18 routing:

                                        San Francisco CA - -FAM-14 - -
                                        Los Angeles, CA
                                        Portland, OR
                                        Seattle, WA	
                                            Honolulu HI
                                            Wake Island
                                            Tokyo, Japan
                                            Shanghai, China
                                        Manila, Philippines
                                            Hong Kong
                                        Saigon, Viet Nam
                                        Bangkok, Thailand                
                                            Rangoon, Burma
= = = =!= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Calcutta, India = = = = = = = =
       !                                Karachi, Pakistan
-!- - -!- - - - -!- - - - - - - - - - -	Ankara, Turkey
 !     !         !                      Istanbul, Turkey
 !     !         !         !- - - - - -	Munich, Germany
 !     !-F18-260-!-F18-261-!-F18-263- -	Philadelphia, PA 
-!-F18-262- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -	Boston, MA  

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