Round-the-World Flights

New Zealand/London Inauguration & Round-the World Flight

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Flown Cover Rear Backstamps Cachet Short Flying Boat Commemorative Stamp
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	On April 30, 1940 Tasman Empire Airways Limited (TEAL) using their Short S-30 
Empire flying boat inaurgurated flight service between New Zealand and Sydney,
Australia and onward west via Imperial Airways to London, England. This connected 
with Pan American transatlantic flight service to New York, transcontinental US 
servive and Transpacific service back to New Zealand for round-the-world transport.
	This inaugural Auckland-Sydney flight was flown on Short S-30 (ZK-AMA)
"Aotearoa", commanded by Captain J.W. Burgess with 10 passengers. The name 
"Aotearoa" is the tribal Maori name for New Zealand.  TO #1344

Departed Auckland, New Zealand         April 30, 1940    Trans Tasman Empire Airways
        Sydney, Australia              April 30, 1940    Imperial Airways
        London, England                May 18, 1940      Pan American Airways
        New York, NY                   May 27, 1940
        Denver, CO                     May 28, 1940
        San Francisco, CA              June 4, 1940      Pan American Airways
        Hong Kong                      June 12, 1940
Arrived Auckland, New Zealand          July 4, 1940    

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